
7 minute read

How to Create a Digital Time Capsule

You may have heard of a time capsule, but have you heard of a digital time capsule? In the digital age, taking this age-old hobby online makes a lot of sense.

Patrick Hicks

Patrick Hicks, @PatrickHicks

Head of Legal, Trust & Will

The purpose of creating a time capsule is to help capture a moment in time and preserve it for future discovery. Whether you use it as a way to connect with your future self or send a message to a future generation, it's a powerful and creative tool that can stand the test of time.

In today's digital age, a lot of our lives are documented in a digital format. That's why we're presenting the idea of a digital time capsule. If you call a traditional time capsule "analog," so to speak, then this is the digitized version of it for the modern individual.

In this guide we'll explain what constitutes a digital time capsule, how to create one, and examples of what to put in it.

What Is a Digital Time Capsule?

A digital time capsule, alternatively known as a virtual or online time capsule, contains a collection of digital assets selected by the creator. They typically are designed to capture a moment in time, and may at times center around a theme, similar to a scrapbook of sorts. Just like an analog time capsule, they are created with the intention of it being discovered and opened in the future. How far into the future is unknown, whether it be several years down the line or several decades later.

The idea is to have someone in the future open the time capsule and gain an understanding of what the past was like. Because of this, time capsules (analog and digital) are designed with the recipient in mind.

While a digital time capsule might contain any array of items, common examples include digital photos, videos, documents, and audio files. They offer a more versatile viewing experience. While a traditional time capsule might have to be dug out of the ground, a digital time capsule can be viewed from any number of devices, such as a computer or smartphone.

Why Create a Digital Time Capsule?

Throughout history, we've always had a strong desire to preserve moments for the future. Creating a digital time capsule is a unique project that has several advantages:

  • Keeping Digital Footprints Safe: In today’s digital-heavy world, making a digital time capsule is a neat way to keep and organize all your digital footprints for the future. These capsules become treasure chests for personal achievements, trending things, and big moments, making sure future folks can dive into them.

  • Easy to Access and Share: Forget digging up physical time capsules. Digital ones can be opened and shared around the world super easily. They break down distance barriers, letting you share your life's highlights with loved ones and future relatives, no matter where they're at.

  • You Do You and Keep It Safe: Digital time capsules let you get creative and personalize your content just how you like it. Plus, with all the techy security stuff getting better, you can rest easy knowing your precious memories are safe until it’s time to show them off.

  • Thinking Green: Going digital instead of physical for your time capsule is kinder to the planet. It cuts down on the need for physical stuff, which means a lighter environmental footprint, all while keeping those important memories and snapshots of today safe.

What is a Time Capsule Example? 

One notable digital time capsule is the Internet Archive, a "non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more." Founded in 1996, it serves as an extensive online library of human history. For example, you can search an archive of over 866 billion web pages.

Another example is FutureMe, a platform that allows users to write and send a letter to their future self at a chosen date. The letter is locked securely until this date and cannot be accessed by others.

These both illustrate examples of time capsules of sorts that exist in the digital space. The first example, Internet Archive, is a digital time capsule for humanity in the digital age as a whole. The second example is one created for individuals, one that you can take advantage of yourself. One is macro and the other is micro, demonstrating the diversity of different time capsules.

How to Create a Digital Time Capsule: 10 Steps

With the right approach, creating a digital time capsule can be an enjoyable and meaningful experience. What's nice about a time capsule is that you get to decide the scope and context of the project. How long do you want it to last? Where will you store it? What do you want the future person to learn from it? These are some prompts that should help get your creativity flowing.

Here's our recommended 10 steps to creating a meaningful digital time capsule:

1. Define the Purpose: Start by defining the purpose of your time capsule. Is it to capture a specific event or period in time? Is it meant to showcase a certain theme or topic? Knowing the purpose will help guide your content selection and organization.

2. Choose a Platform: There are various platforms available for creating digital time capsules, such as social media, online storage services (ex. Dropbox), or specialized platforms. Choose one that best suits your needs and preferences.

3. Select Content: This is where you get to curate the items that will be included in your time capsule. It can be photographs, videos, music playlists, articles, social media posts, or any other digital asset that holds significance to you.

4. Add Context: It's essential to provide context for each item in your time capsule. Write a brief description or personal reflection on why it was chosen and what it means to you.

5. Consider Privacy: Depending on the platform you choose, you may have the option to make your time capsule public or keep it private for only yourself or selected individuals. Consider what level of privacy is appropriate for your content.

6. Set a Date: Decide when you want to open and share your time capsule with others. It could be a specific date in the future or a milestone event in your life.

7. Share and Preserve: Once your time capsule is created, share it with others through the chosen platform. Make sure to also preserve a backup copy for yourself in case the online platform becomes unavailable in the future.

8. Reflect and Revisit: As time passes, revisit your digital time capsule and reflect on how things have changed since its creation. It can be a meaningful way to reminisce and see how far you have come.

9. Encourage Others: Consider creating a digital time capsule with family or friends, and encourage them to do the same. It can be a fun and collaborative way to preserve memories and stay connected.

10. Keep it Authentic: Don't feel pressured to only include highlights or positive moments in your time capsule. It's also meaningful to include challenges, struggles, and lessons learned as they are a part of our journey.

Securing your Digital Time Capsule

When it comes to private data preserved online, one can't be too careful about security. You may be wondering, is the capsule going to be safe? What about hackers or server meltdowns?

These are valid concerns, but there are steps you can take to secure your digital assets. Here are some examples:

1. Choose a Secure Platform: Make sure to use a reputable and trusted platform for creating and hosting your digital time capsule. Research the security measures they have in place, such as data encryption and regular backups.

2. Password Protection: Utilize strong passwords to protect your time capsule from unauthorized access. Avoid using personal information or easily guessable passwords.

3. Two-Factor Authentication: Consider enabling two-factor authentication for an extra layer of security. This requires a code sent to your phone or email in addition to your password for access.

4. Encrypt Sensitive Data: If you have sensitive data included in your time capsule, consider encrypting it before uploading it to the platform. This adds an extra layer of protection in case of a security breach.

5. Regularly Check for Updates: Technology is constantly evolving, and so are the security measures used by platforms. Make sure to regularly check for updates and implement them to ensure your time capsule stays secure.

6. Have a Backup Plan: It's always wise to have a backup plan in case of any unforeseen events. Keep a copy of your digital time capsule on an external hard drive or cloud storage service for added peace of mind. Make sure your backups are secure as well.

What Should I Put in a Digital Time Capsule?

This is completely up to you! Try to think of the person you imagine discovering and opening your time capsule one day -- what digital items would best represent a snapshot of life today? What would be interesting to them? A selection of photos, videos, music, and a letter would be a great start.

Here are some ideas of items to include in your digital time capsule:

  • Personal letters to future generations, explaining current events, personal feelings, and hopes for the future.

  • Photo albums showcasing everyday life, significant events, and cultural landmarks of the era.

  • Recordings of popular music, podcasts, or voices of loved ones, offering aural snapshots of the current soundscape.

  • Videos of important family gatherings, holidays, and perhaps a virtual tour of the contributor's current living environment.

  • Documents that detail technological advancements, scientific discoveries, and major news stories.

  • Artwork, including digital designs, paintings, or sketches that convey the aesthetics of the current period.

  • Recipes of favorite dishes, encapsulating culinary preferences and food trends of the time.

  • Screenshots of social media feeds or trending topics to reflect the digital landscape and communication habits.

  • E-books, blogs, or articles that have influenced or entertained, offering insight into the intellectual climate.

Within the realm of individual time capsules, it's also popular for couples or friends to create a time capsule together to represent their relationship, for parents to create a time capsule for their baby, and last but not least, for classmates to create one to commemorate their school experiences. These types of themes or intentions behind creating the capsule will influence what you'd want to include in it.

Ensure Your Digital Assets Are Protected with the Help of Trust & Will

While we're on the topic of curating your digital assets for a time capsule, you should also be thinking about protecting your digital assets for the future.

The importance of having an estate plan that covers anything you own in the digital landscape has grown quickly. While so many of us can agree that much of our lives are led online, these needs can potentially continue growing exponentially. Whether it be your digital money, social media accounts, photographs you've stored online, various versions of your resumes or old college essays, or your digital music library, these are technically all assets that belong to your estate. You may be surprised at just how much value (monetary or intrinsic) you've accumulated over the years, and what you wish to pass on to future generations one day.

In the process of creating your digital time capsule, also consider sorting out your digital assets for your estate plan. Here are some of our recommended readings so that you can learn more on the topic:

Once you feel ready, start creating your digital estate plan with Trust & Will today! You can create a fully customizable, state-specific estate plan from the comfort of your own home in just 20 minutes. Take our free quiz to see where you should get started, or compare our different estate planning and settlement  options today!

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