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Married, No Kids? Here's How to Plan Your Estate

Do you and your partner plan not to have kids? Don’t keep putting off your estate planning. Dual Income No Kids (DINK) individuals have a lot to benefit from.

Patrick Hicks

Patrick Hicks, @PatrickHicks

Head of Legal, Trust & Will

If you don't have kids and don't plan to have any, you might find that most traditional topics around estate planning and financial planning don't apply to you. Understandably, this may cause you to tune out a lot of advice.

The discussion on estate planning is especially so; it often revolves around family and legacy. If you don't have any children, but are in a committed partnership, know that estate planning can benefit you in numerous ways. As a couple with no kids, there are actually a number of considerations and opportunities that are specific to you. Trust & Will dives into the benefits and strategies of estate planning for individuals and couples who don't have children.

Not Planning on Kids? You're Not Alone

Depending on where you live, you might feel like you're seeing babies everywhere. There may have been a slight uptick of births due to the COVID Baby Boom, but this is slightly deceptive.

On the larger scale, more and more U.S. adults are choosing to forgo having children. The Pew Research Center reports that 44% of Americans under the age of 50 either are not too likely or not at all likely to have children. This statistic has grown significantly even within the past few years.

As this demographic expands and diversifies, it now includes individuals of various ages, occupations, and backgrounds. It's crucial to address the unique estate planning requirements and opportunities within this group, as conventional guidance may not adequately cover these situations.

Why Estate Planning is Important for Couples with no Dependents

In today's dynamic society, couples are increasingly opting for paths diverging from traditional milestones such as parenthood. These decisions are often influenced by lifestyle desires, economic uncertainties, staggering student loan debt, multiple economic downturns, and most recently, the global pandemic. The reality today differs significantly from the expectations set by the Baby Boomer and Gen X generations. For many couples, the choice to remain childless is driven by both choice and circumstance, contributing to a notable increase in childless households.

Couples who don't have dependent children, also known as DINK (Dual Income, No Kids), may not realize that they have just as much at stake in expressing their end-of-life wishes and providing clarity on their financial legacies. Themes around estate planning often center around the transfer of assets to your heirs, which creates a misunderstanding that estate planning is unnecessary when you don't have children.

Contrary to this myth, couples without children are even more vulnerable to the impacts of intestate laws, or laws that govern how assets should be distributed in the absence of a Will. Aside from asset distribution, DINK individuals need to create an estate plan (either jointly or separately) to ensure that they can provide for their significant other, outline final wishes, specify medical preferences, plan for charitable giving, and draft a succession plan for their businesses if applicable.

Here are three key estate planning considerations for couples without children:

  • Asset Management: Regardless of wealth level, it's crucial to designate someone to handle and distribute assets after passing. Without a detailed estate plan, including a Will or Trust, assets could get tied up in probate or, worse, become state property.

  • Healthcare Directives: Estate planning is essential not only for asset allocation but also for making critical medical decisions in case of incapacity. By establishing a Healthcare Directive and Medical Power of Attorney, you ensure that your healthcare preferences are honored and carried out by a trusted individual.

  • Financial Planning: If you are unable to manage finances, a durable financial power of attorney enables you to appoint a reliable person to oversee your financial matters, preventing court interference and potential mismanagement.

Estate planning serves as a way to safeguard your assets, uphold your healthcare wishes, and manage your finances, offering peace of mind and security regardless of your marital or parental status.

Unique Estate Planning Considerations for Couples with No Kids

When approaching estate planning as a DINK couple, your strategy will differ from that of couples who do have children. Without default beneficiaries, you have the flexibility to create a personalized plan without the constraints of traditional family responsibilities. However, this also means you must carefully assess your priorities and determine who (or what) will inherit from your estate.

A key challenge for DINK couples is designating trusted individuals to act on their behalf in case they are unable to make decisions due to incapacity. Without children, it is important to identify reliable friends or relatives who can serve as Executors, Trustees, or Power of Attorney. Choose these roles thoughtfully and have contingency plans in place to prevent decision-making authority from falling into the wrong hands.

When developing your estate plan as a DINK couple, you should address several critical aspects to ensure a comprehensive and successful approach:

  • Will Creation and Asset Distribution

A Will forms the cornerstone of many estate plans, allowing you to specify how your assets should be distributed after your passing. For DINK couples, determining beneficiaries and contemplating legacy gifts and charitable contributions are significant considerations in Will preparation.

  • Power of Attorney and Healthcare Proxy

In the absence of children, designating an agent through a Durable Power of Attorney is essential for managing financial matters, especially in case of incapacitation. Similarly, Healthcare Proxies authorize a trusted individual to make medical decisions on your behalf if you are unable to do so.

  • Trusts and Estate Tax Planning

While Trusts may not be as critical for DINK couples as for those with children, they can still offer advantages. Revocable Living Trusts provide privacy, streamline asset transfer, and can bypass probate for chosen beneficiaries. For couples with substantial assets, estate tax planning is crucial to optimize the wealth transfer to loved ones or causes you support.

BONUS: Financial Plannings Tips

One of the driving forces behind the modern couple who opts out of parenting is the economy. The ever-increasing cost of living, the threat of economic downturns, and an overall uncertain future can make it difficult or even unsavory to start a family.

What this means is that financial planning and wealth management as a couple with no children looks different from traditional rules. Even better, you'll find a lot more flexibility with your money. (It's no secret that kids are a significant expense!)

Here are some financial planning tips to take into consideration as you plan your estate plan and thus your legacy:

  • Create a Robust Emergency Fund: Regardless of your personal circumstances, almost any person you can think of would benefit from having an emergency fund. Aim to create a nest egg that will cover between 3 to 6 months of your living expenses. This provides a safety net against unexpected expenses, and that way, you won't be derailed from your longer-term goals.

  • Maximize Retirement Contributions: With fewer familial obligations, DINK couples have the unique opportunity to significantly increase their contributions to retirement accounts, such as 401(k)s, IRAs, and other investment vehicles, thereby enhancing their financial security in later years.

  • Invest in Experience and Self-Development: Instead of allocating resources towards child-related expenses, consider investing in experiences that foster personal growth and happiness, such as travel, education, and hobbies. These investments not only enrich your life but can also contribute to a more fulfilled and content retirement.

  • Engage in Philanthropic Endeavors: With the potential for greater disposable income, DINK couples are in a prime position to make impactful charitable contributions. Not only does this support causes that are important to you, but it can also provide tax benefits and a lasting legacy.

  • Consider Long-Term Care Insurance: Long-term care costs can be exorbitant and are not typically covered by standard health insurance. Purchasing long-term care insurance can protect your assets and ensure you receive the level of care you desire in your later years, without imposing on relatives or friends.

  • Plan Ahead for Your P's:  Without focusing their resources on children, DINK couples have a unique opportunity to plan for the care of other loved ones, such as mom and dad, or their pets. Consider discussing potential long-term care options with your parents and planning accordingly to ease the financial burden on both parties in the future. If you have pets, be sure to include instructions for their care in your estate plan.

Trust & Will: An Estate Planning Platform that Matches your Lifestyle

Estate planning is crucial for every adult, regardless of marital status or parental responsibilities. For DINK couples, this process is particularly empowering. How do you picture shaping your legacy so that it aligns with your values and aspirations? No shots fired at couples with children, but as someone with no kids, you have even more flexibility to leave a legacy that's truly all yours.

At the same time, estate planning complexities can be daunting, especially for DINK couples facing unique circumstances that require a tailored approach. That's why Trust & Will is the perfect match. We are an online estate planning platform that is the most trusted partner in designing estate plans that are fully customized to each individual's or couple's unique circumstances. Life evolves, and so should your estate plan. Plan to review and update your estate plan regularly, especially after life events. Examples include acquiring new assets or changes in your relationships. One of the added benefits of using the Trust & Will platform is the ease of accessing, reviewing, and updating your digital estate plan as needed.

DINK couples, kickstart your estate planning journey today. Not only will you gain peace of mind and legal clarity, but you'll also witness the positive impact your thoughtful planning can have on your surroundings. Remember, estate planning isn't just about the end; it's about the empowerment that comes with managing your financial and personal future. Discover how Trust & Will can assist you in getting started within minutes.

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