Donate to American Heart Association in Your Estate Plan
The American Heart Association (AHA) has been fighting back against heart disease and stroke for almost 100 years. Their dedication to research and awareness has allowed them to improve countless lives. Your Planned Gift can help this organization continue doing the important work they are so focused on.

How to Donate to American Heart Association in your Trust & Will Estate Plan
Donating to a charitable organization like the American Heart Association can ensure your legacy lives on. Your generous gift will serve to benefit this incredible organization and their efforts to make our world a better place. Even if you already regularly donate to the American Heart Association throughout your lifetime, you can make a lasting impact by including them in your Estate Plan through a Planned Gift.
Trust & Will makes it easier than ever to donate to charity, with Estate Plans that include a section specifically for charitable giving in our online Will and Trust documents.

Why You Should Leave a Charitable Bequest to American Heart Association
Your charitable bequest to the American Heart Association can help ensure that the AHA is able to continue their important work in the fields of research and development so they can directly combat deadly heart disease and stroke. Globally, heart disease is the number one killer - and stroke ranks second in deaths around the world.
The AHA has invested more money than any other private non profit in the world. Only the US Federal Government has put more money towards the cause. The AHA’s groundbreaking research has resulted in medical breakthroughs that save lives every day. The American Heart Association has long been an integral part of forward-thinking research and drug development in this important sector of medicine.
Donations to the American Heart Association have allowed the organization to:
Enhance knowledge about lifesaving treatments
Fund lifesaving research
Earn Nobel Prizes in Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine for groundbreaking research
Lead the efforts on tobacco oversight
Establish unprecedented research initiative, One Brave Idea, which awarded $75M to curing heart disease
Establish AHA Institute, that provides funding to allow researchers to mine, link and leverage staggering amounts of patient-data in effort to make medical advances
And so much more…
Include the AHA in your Estate Plan with Planned Gifts you name in your Trust or Will. Your contribution can guarantee the incredible work the AHA does is able to continue.
It’s the smart, modern way to donate to the charitable organizations you care about most.
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Determine your strategy.
Decide how you want to utilize your Estate Plan to donate to a nonprofit. This can offer many benefits to you, your estate, the organizations you want to donate to and to the legacy you hope to leave behind.
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Create your Will or Trust-Based Estate Plan.
Choose the nonprofit to whom you want to donate then create your Will or Trust-Based Estate Plan using our easy-to-use online platform.
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Donate to your preferred charity.
Leave either a portion of your estate or a specific dollar amount to the charity of your choice. Whether you write them into your Will, designate them as beneficiary of your retirement account or create a Charitable Trust...we make Planned Giving easy.
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Gain peace of mind.
Feel good knowing you’re leaving behind a lasting legacy that will help others in the future, even when you’re no longer here to help them yourself.
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Leave a legacy you can be proud of.
Donate to a nonprofit organization of your choice, today.
Leave a legacy you can be proud of.
Donate to a nonprofit organization of your choice, today.