Meet the Authors

Garrett Harper, @GarrettHarper
Contributor, Financial Advisor Panel, Trust & Will
A 2006 University of Kansas grad with nearly 15 years of experience owning his own business, Garrett Harper brings a friendly, down-to-earth approach to financial planning that helps clients feel comfortable and supported.

Karl Leonard Hicks, @KarlLeonardHicks
Contributor, Financial Advisor Panel, Trust & Will
Karl Leonard Hicks is a founding member of The Leonard Financial Group, LLC, with over 30 years of experience in the financial services industry. He specializes in working with individuals and families to create, implement and manage financial plans.

Al Faber, @AlFaber
Contributor, Financial Advisor Panel, Trust & Will
I am a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional with Woodson Wealth Management. I started my career in financial services in 1992 after earning a Master of Business Administration with a concentration in finance from Long Island University.

Charles Thomas, @CharlesThomas
Contributor, Financial Advisor Panel, Trust & Will
Charles H Thomas III, CFP® is the founder and president of Intrepid Eagle Finance, a virtual financial planning firm that serves Christian families. He has spent over 20 years helping families solve complex money challenges.

Alan Gorlick, @AlanGorlick
Contributor, Financial Advisor Panel, Trust & Will
Alan E. Gorlick is CEO of Gorlick Financial Strategies. Prior to financial services, he has significant executive level and consulting experience in international business and corporate finance.

Doug Luftman, @DougLuftman
Legal Expert
Doug Luftman is a seasoned Silicon Valley legal executive with over 25 years of experience.

Diana Cabrices, @DianaCabrices
Chief Evangelist, Trust & Will
Diana Cabrices is the Chief Evangelist at Trust & Will and the visionary founder of Diana Cabrices Consulting.

Maya Powers, @MayaPowers
Estate Planning Content Expert, Trust & Will
Maya Powers, Content Producer at Trust & Will, is a writer and estate planning content expert. She brings over a decade of reporting, writing, and content production to Trust & Will's offerings.

Alexa Zin, @AlexaZin
Creative Director, Trust & Will
Alexa Zin is the Creative Director at Trust & Will. She specializes in crafting and communicating the brand point of view through visual and motion design, copywriting, and video production.

Bryce Desai, @brycedesai
Senior Probate Underwriter, Jet Insurance Company
Bryce Desai is a Senior Probate Underwriter for Jet Insurance Company. During his tenure with Jet, Bryce has researched probate, estate, and guardianship law and has authored many featured articles on probate surety bonds.